Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life-take II

I stayed up past midnight tonight just to say that this is my one-year anniversary of being cancer-free and I just wanted to thank God for this year of living, loving and laughing despite the cancer and the chemo cocktails and my soggy feet.

Now I lay me down to sleep...



Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Year Ago Today...

I got a lumpectomy that turned out to be cancer. Today I'm going to the Smithsonian with M & M. This is WAY much more fun.

Cheers from D. C.,

p.s. pics are up on Facebook.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Chemo Cocktail Lounge

Chemo Cocktail 7-Up Slammed Down. Only 6 more to go! No, I didn't drink the diet 7-Up. It was merely for artistic purposes and aesthetic effect. How about that syringe jacked into Port Rapha? No the 7-Up didn't go there either. That's where the Herceptin goes which then goes and tells any sneaky cancer cells to cut it the crap out or we will send in the diet 7-Up.

This is a cool bracelet (Warning: Don't squint your eyes too much if profanity bothers you!) that the guy next to me had on. I rather like it myself. Methinks cancer is profane. Btw, Andy is the name of the guy and I hope you will add him to your prayers as well. When I was taking the upside down diet 7-Up photo and talking about only having 6 left. He said he wished he knew how many more he had. When I asked him his story, he said he has pancreatic cancer and is on chemo until it doesn't work anymore. I had seen him across the room a few times before, but usually sleeping. I sat next to him on purpose this time and I'm so glad I did. Now I have someone else to look forward to seeing at my chemo cocktail lounge. Not to mention, pray more intelligently for someone who is more than just a face across the room.

Speaking of someone I always look forward to seeing at my chemo cocktail lounge, this is Brenda, one of the lounge angels who take care of me. They are all so amazing.

And every lounge must have it's band. I especially like this one.
Here's a wee bit of the set:

Cheers, Joules

Monday, August 17, 2009

T - 7 and Counting

Chemo Cocktail on the menu this morning. Then a road trip to D.C. and The Big Apple. The boys and I are tagging along with Dave to squeeze in a bit of a holiday since we couldn't pull off a family vacation, in between Dave's work schedule and my chemo schedule. Not to mention the boys' social calendar. Anyway, will document this Great American Road Trip here. And somebody remind me to send my mum a postcard from New York, because she just reminded me yesterday that I forgot to send her one from Rome.

So today's blog is sponsored by the number 7, kids, which means I will only have 6 chemo cocktails left after I slam this one down.


(A few fellow cancer fighting/chemo cocktail slamming/surviving peeps I'm praying for and lifting my cocktail and drinking it to their health: Kristi (stay healthy!), Cathy (stay healthy!), Janet, Don, my Uncle Bill, my Aunt Cheryl (stay healthy!), Amy, Rebecca's hub, Deb, the sister at my chemo bar who told me she doesn't trust a skinny cook, and Julie, another frequent fighter at my chemo bar.)


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My 8/11

Last night once I fell asleep, which wasn't easy, even with the Ativan, I slept the night away, which is a rare and lovely thing for me.

Last August 11th I was up all night playing with the marble I found in my left breast and waiting for David to wake up so I could show him and see if he thought it was anything to worry about. And thus began the merry-go-round that has been this past year and will stop sometime around December 21 (my last chemo) at which point I will jump off and hopefully never ride a merry-go-round again.

It is an anniversary of sorts, I suppose. But not really the kind I've felt like celebrating. Mostly I have been just looking forward getting through this week in my memory, and getting to some dates I don't mind seeing in my rear-view mirror. Like August 29th, the one-year anniversary of me being cancer-free. That will be way more fun. The best part being, that it is in the rear-view mirror, and that I get to drive on. Life, take II.

I did keep myself busy yesterday, instead of sitting around all day thinking about it. I spent the day with my boys, taking them school shopping. I have always loved taking the kids school shopping. They do not share my enthusiasm for getting new pencils and cool notebooks, but they have, at least, always indulged me. They are sweet like that. Mikey even let himself act a little excited about the new Zebra mechanical pencils we found yesterday, which I know was a lot for him, but meant a lot to this pencil pusher. Especially since, as it is our last year of homeschooling, it was our last year of homeschool shopping. You can't buy those kind of moments. It was practically a Mastercard commercial. It made me so happy I almost bought two packs, even though I am more of a traditionalist when it comes to pencils. I like real pencils. But don't get me started down that rabbit trail. It's a long one that could end us all up in a Hookah Bar if we're not careful. But I digress.

So after I dropped off the boys from our Mother-Sons Homeschool Supplies Shopping Event, which, btw, I gave them both A's for, I went out with a group of friends, fellow homeschool mums. We went to see Julie and Julia and then out to dinner on the Levy. Good flick. Good popcorn (with lots of butter! Julia would be proud.)Good food. Good company. Good conversation. I give the evening an A, and gave them all an A for hanging out with me last night, and especially for helping me hang in there this past year. Some of these women prayed with me every Chemo Monday as I went from Co-op class to chemo, which really meant a lot to me. So it was fitting, and poetic to me, that they prayed over me last night before we all went home. A perfect night-cap.

When I got home I did not think of marbles. I just went upstairs and lay me down to sleep. And slept. Didn't even dream of marbles. I'd give myself an A for that, but can you really give yourself an A and get away with it?

Anyway, it's a really beautiful day outside, so I'm off to take in a long walk. After all, I'm in training now, for Cincy's Race for the Cure 2009, which is exactly a month from today. Feel free to join our Team Evanshire and/or walk with us.